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- ****************************************************************************
- * *
- * MacBlaster *
- * *
- * Version 1.10 January 23, 1992 *
- * *
- * Earl Gehr *
- * 1824 A Manning Circle *
- * Charleston, SC 29404 *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************
- This version of MacBlaster fixes a memory deallocation problem that is
- present in version 1.00.
- The Scenario
- You are a computer programmer and have developed a truly great graphic user
- interface (GUI). The Evil Fruit Empire has a monopoly on GUIs and will try
- to destroy your computer and throw legal hurtles in your path. Destroy as
- many of the Evil Fruit Empires computers and mice as possible while
- avoiding contact with the self destructing copyright lawsuits and mice.
- Beat the empire and give computer users freedom of choice!
- MacBlaster Files
- You should have received the following four files with MacBlaster:
- - MACBLAST.EXE, this is the program.
- - MACBLAST.SCO, this file contains the top 10 high scores.
- - MACBLAST.DOC, this documentation file.
- - REGISTER.TXT, shareware registration form.
- Minimum Computer System Requirements:
- - IBM compatible Computer with 80286 CPU.
- - 1 meg DRAM.
- - VGA graphics card and monitor.
- - MS-DOS version 3.3
- - Microsoft Windows version 3.0.
- To Play MacBlaster:
- - Start up Microsoft Windows.
- - Follow the instructions provided with the Microsoft Windows Users Guide
- for starting an application using either the Program manager or File
- manager and start MACBLAST.EXE.
- - MacBlaster can be controlled with either a mouse, keyboard or both.
- Menu and dialog control is fully explained in the Microsoft Windows
- Users Guide. Menus and controls for the program are as follows:
- Game menu
- -- NEW GAME starts a new game.
- -- HELP displays a help dialog with complete online instructions.
- -- SCORES displays the top 10 high scores for the game.
- -- ABOUT gives author, copyright and shareware fee information.
- Pause menu
- -- PAUSE pauses the game and changes into RESUME.
- -- RESUME - resumes a paused game.
- Keyboard
- -- F1 key displays a help dialog.
- -- F2 key starts a new game.
- -- Left arrow key moves your PC left.
- -- Right arrow key moves your PC right.
- -- Up arrow key fires a rotten apple.
- Mouse
- -- Left arrow button moves your PC left.
- -- Right arrow button moves your PC right.
- -- Fire button fires a rotten apple.
- Scoring
- -- Score and level are displayed at the bottom of the window.
- -- 50 points for each new level.
- -- 25 points for each computer hit.
- -- 10 points for each mouse hit.
- ****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************
- This software is SHAREWARE. You can try it out for two weeks. At the end
- of this evaluation period if you decide to keep it you are required to
- register as a user by sending $10.00 in U.S. Dollars to:
- Earl Gehr
- 1824 A Manning Circle
- Charleston, SC 29404
- For your convienence a registration form is included with this software.
- Its located in the file named REGISTER.TXT. All you need to do is type in
- the required information, print it, fold it, enclose the check, tape it
- closed, add a stamp and mail it.
- In exchange for registering I will add you to my registered user database,
- inform you of any upgrades, send you notice of new software I create and
- provide technical support for the software. If you have any suggestions,
- questions or discover any problems with the software you can reach me
- online on GEnie at E.Gehr1 and America Online at Bud Gehr. I can also be
- reached via good old US mail at the address located at the beginning of
- this file and on the programs About dialog.
- When registering, or writing for any reason, please include the following:
- - Program name and version number, this information is available at the
- beginning of this file as well as on the programs About dialog.
- - Where you obtained your copy from.
- - A description of your system.
- - Your full name and address.
- ****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************
- MacBlaster is distributed under the "shareware" concept, also known as
- "user-supported software". Under this concept, you save the high cost of
- packaging and distribution while still receiving high quality software.
- You are free, and in fact encouraged, to distribute this software to your
- friends, to BBS's and to user groups. If you do distribute this software
- you are required to include all the files that are specified to have come
- with it at the beginning of this documentation file. You are not allowed to
- modify the files in any way, and this shareware notice must be kept intact.
- The author retains all other rights to the program.
- ****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************
- The following information is for disk vendors, BBS sysops, user groups,
- etc. who wish to distribute this program. For the purposes of this
- document, all of the above will be referred to as disk vendors.
- This software is copyrighted material and is subject to certain restrictions
- on copying and distribution.
- Vendors of any type, whether program distribution is free or whether a fee
- of any type is charged, may distribute this program under the following
- conditions:
- - The vendor properly represents the software as shareware and provides
- customers with a complete definition of the shareware concept. You
- must not advertise this software as "free", "cheap" or "public domain".
- - The vendor must in no way imply that they are "selling" the program
- but rather are only providing a duplication service where the program
- is provided for evaluation. You may not "rent" or "lease" copies of
- this program.
- - You do not rename, change or omit any of the provided files.
- - The vendor should provide the author with a copy of their catalog.
- - You may distribute this program in a compressed form.
- The author reserves the right to withhold or withdraw permission to
- distribute from anyone at any time for any reason.
- Software reviewers: If you plan to review this software for publication,
- please contact me first to make sure you have the most recent version of
- the product and that the ordering information supplied to your readers
- will be accurate.
- ****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************
- The author hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this product, whether
- express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of
- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author cannot and
- will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
- similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if the author
- or an authorized agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- In no event shall the liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid
- for the license to use software, regardless of the form and/or extent of the
- claim. The user of this program bears all risk as to the quality and
- performance of the software.
- Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a
- trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- IBM is a registered trademarks International Business Machines Corporation.
- 80286 is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.